Minggu, 30 Juni 2019

Wetlands, Water, and the Law

Wetlands, Water, and the Law
By:Clare Shine,Cyrille de Klemm
Published on 1999 by IUCN

This publication sets wetlands in their scientific, economic and legal context, before describing the main legal issues involved in implementing the Ramsar Convention. Parts 3-6 take an increasingly broad focus, dealing respectively with site-specific and bioregional approaches to wetland management, generally-applicable techniques for managing damaging processes and activities and, lastly, regional and international frameworks for cooperation. The book complements the recent work of scientists and economists by describing how laws and institutions can work for (or against) wetland conservation and wise use. Each chapter makes the link between international legal obligations and national or local mechanisms for delivering implementation. Drawing on national practice around the world, the book illustrates how different legal approaches and techniques can be adapted to widely-varying national conditions and capabilities. Key components for legal and institutional frameworks suited to the challenge of wise use implementations are set out in the conclusion.

This Book was ranked at 6 by Google Books for keyword complete mediterranean wildlife.

Book ID of Wetlands, Water, and the Law's Books is vbdHSAuybRkC, Book which was written byClare Shine,Cyrille de Klemmhave ETAG "GRgt24ltaPo"

Book which was published by IUCN since 1999 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9782831704784 and ISBN 10 Code is 2831704782

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "332 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryLaw

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false

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Wetlands, Water, and the Law

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